is open source tool use to automate Android , IOS and Mobile web applications
1. Receive
connection from clients
2. Listen
to commands
Execute commands on real time devices
Open source
Both Android and IOS app can be automated
Can automate Mobile web applications
Runs on both Windows and Linux operating systems
Difficult to run scripts on different screen size mobiles
Difficult to configure
Cannot automate some functionalities like QR code scanning
How Appium Works
How Appium Works
Appium Client -->Appium Server --> UI Automator --> IOS/Android
Appium Client <--Appium Server <--UI Automator <--IOS/Android
Appium Client: is the programming language which you to code java# ,ruby ,python ,php..
Appium Server:
Appium server is written in Node.js (Node Js is language user to write server
side scripts) when you execute your scripts it goes to appium server in JSON
format via HTTP request.
UI Automator: Appium Server sends commands to UI Automator which needs sbootstrap.js for IOS and bootstrap.jar for android
What is bootstrap.js and bootstrap.jar?
Bootstrap is a framework written in HTML, CSS, JS used to develop mobile apps and web.
1. Bootstrap works as TCP server used to listen your commands
2. In appium it is used to communicate between client (web
driver) and mobile devices.
3. It allows your mobile app to adjust to various screen
Android/IOS device: UI Automator executes commands (Scripts) on real time devices.
Prerequisites need to automate using appium
1. Java Development Kit (JDK)
2. Eclipse
Download Link :
3. Appium
Download Link :
4. Android SDk
Download link :
5. PDAnet +:shares internet access of your android phone with your computer
Download link :
6. Node js
Download link:
7. Appium client libraries
8.Java client libraries
Setup Appium on Windows OS
Download and install JDK
Set JAVA_HOME in your environment variables as
shown below
Go to JDK path ( ex: C:\Program Files\Java\)
>>Find JDK folder (ex: jdk1.8.0_151) and double click on it >> Copy the full path (ex: C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151\) >> Right click on ‘My computer’ select
properties>>‘Advanced system setting >> ‘Environment
variables’ from Advanced system settings’ which will open environment variables
dialog >> Click on ‘New button’ >>
Add variable name as ‘JAVA_HOME’ >> Add
variable value as (ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151\) which is full path
of JDK
b. Set JDK bin path in ‘System variables’
My computer >> Properties >> Advanced System settings>> Environment
variables >> Double click on ‘path’ >>Click
on edit button>>Put Semi colon and
Enter the path of JDK till BIN folder >> Click on OK to finish the process
To ensure proper installation of java. Open
command prompt and type ‘java -
version’ will display as below
3. Now Download and install android SDK
After installing android SDK go
inside SDK folder and find for ‘SDK manager.exe’
Double click on ‘SDK manager.exe’
it will open android SDK manager where you can
find tools and different
versions of android OS , select all the version which you want to
install and
click on ‘install packages’
Note Installing packages will take more time
Set the path variables of android SDK as given below
Open the folder which consists of android SDK >> Find for ‘tools’ and ‘platform-tools’
in SDK
folder >> Go to ‘Environment variables’>> Select ‘path’ variable
under ‘system
variables’ >> Edit path variable and specify the path
of ‘tools and platform-tools (EX;
softwares\tools; F:\Testing softwares\platform-tools) >>Click on ‘ok’ to
finish the process
To ensure android is
configured properly
Open command prompt and type as ‘android’ which will open ‘SDK
4. Install ADT Plugin to your Eclipse
Open Eclipse >> Go to Help>>
click on ‘install new software’ will open below dialogue
Click on ‘Add’ from above
screenshot will open dialogue shown below
Specify Name ‘ADT
Location: Click on ‘OK’
Click on ‘finish’ will complete
installation process
Once ADT plugin is
installed it will ask you to restart eclipse, this will install ADT on eclipse
Set SDK location
Open Eclipse >> Window>> preferences>>Select
click on apply and close
To verify android SDK configuration, go to eclipse >>Window>>
android SDK manager will open which confirms android SDK is configured properly
5. Install other software’s
Install .Net
Framework if not install on your system
Install Node JS
Install PDANet+
Install Appium
Ensure that below prerequisites are
fulfilled before Appium installation
JDK installed,
android SDK installed, Set paths, Eclipse ADT Plugin, .Net Framework installed,
Node JS installed, PDAnet+ installed
Click on download Appium will download Zip file
Extracting the Zip file to get Appium for
windows folder
From Above folder double click on ‘Appium
installer.exe’ which will install Appium on your desktop
To Be Continued……
Thanks for Reading