Mobile App API Performance Testing using Jmeter

Mobile App Performance Using Jmeter

We Know that Jmeter is a performance testing tool used for web applications, Question Arises, Can we do mobile app performance using Jmeter? YES we can

How we can performance test native app using Jmeter?

*We will measure the performance server side and not on client side

Prerequisites Required

1. Smart phone with mobile app which need to be tested
2. Laptop with Jmeter installed

    You can download Jmeter form 

3. Make sure that Your Mobile and Laptop are connected to same network

Below are the steps to configure test Environment

1. In Your smart phone navigate to Settings > WiFi

2. Long Press the Network  will show you options ,Select Modify Network

3. Click on Advanced options from ''Modify Network' and Select proxy as manual, which will ask you to enter proxy name and port

In Proxy name Field enter your IP adress
Enter port number as 8080 and click on SAVE

4. Open your Jmeter and Add 'Thread Group'

To add Thread Group Open your Jmeter >> Right Click on Test plan >>Add>> Thread Users>> Thread Group

  In Thread Group  : Thread means number of users
                           Ramp up means -amount of time Jmeter should take between each thread execution
                           Loop Count means number of times the test should execute

5. Now Right Click on Tread Group and add 'Recording controller'

 To Add Recording controller, Right click on Thread Group >> Logic controller >> Recording controller

6. Now add Listener to view results (i am adding View result tree)

To add View result tree ,Right Click on Recording controller >>Listner >> View results tree

7. Now lats Step is to add HTTP Script recorder

To Add 'HTTP Script recorder' , Right click on work bench from jmeter >>>Non Test Elements>> HTTP(S) Test script recorder

Make sure that port number are same in mobile and laptop i,e 8080

8. Click on 'Start' From Jmeter , Will start Jmeter in local machine

Click on Start will ask you Apache certification access, click on OK from below page

9 . Now Start operating your app on your phone and observe that calls  will start recording in jmeter as shown in below screenshot

Now stop recording the test once you done with it recording and save the test with meaningful name

Once  Test is saved,Click on "Start" Button  to run the saved scripts for mentioned users and click on view result tree to view the result

Or to see the time taken by each call add 'View Result in table' From Listners

Note:In order to record scripts for IOS app ,we need to download and install Jmeter certificate in to 
our local machine .for android its not mandatory

Lets Discuss on App Automation in My next post.

1) Appium Architecture
2) Software's need to automate App
3 Setup Appium
4) Launch App

Link :Good source of knowledge
