Know Your Apps and Devices for Testing

Mobile app's have been bread and butter for our daily needs , you can shop online,recharge and pay your bills, Book your tickets online in one click, its important to know the app behavior along with options in your smartphone, Lets discuss about apps behavior  

You can consider the below queries 

1.What happens when your app runs in background and on killing it ?

If any app running in background two things will happen, Session will be active and it Consumes RAM of your smartphone,in the same way when you kill app in background.session will be closed and it will release RAM on your smartphone

Ex : When you run cleartrip app in background it will be hitting URL
        and app will consume RAM,Same way when you kill the app it will be like closing your   
        browser section on desktop

How to kill the app on Android ?

Step 1: First i will launch the app say cleartrip which is installed on my mobile
Step 2: Click on home button will make app to run in background 
Step 3 ; Click on Back button from home screen of your phone and it will display app running on  
Step 4 : Swipe the app to right or left of your screen and observe that app will be killed

Below is the attached screenshot for app in background

App running in background
If you want to kill your app on IOS, Double click on home button of phone and swipe up the app running in background

When you want to perform cache and cookie based testing of app, Points to be considered are clear cache and clear data option available in your android phone 

To find the the option to to settings >Apps > Click on app and click on Storage

Note: in below screenshot 'manage data' is nothing but clear data 

When You Click on ' Manage Data' all the apps data will be deleted permanently which includes files,settings done on app,database and so on..  if you perform manage data app will be like freshly installed from playstore

Note: In IOS there is no option of clearing cache or cookie, only thing you need to do is uninstall and install app 

When you Click on 'Clear cache' All the cookies stored in app will be deleted and it will not delete or modify any of your app settings

Accessibility testing of app 

Since app is also used by people suffering from eye problems/ physically challenged. its very important think from their point, in order to do so we have accessibility option in setting on your smartphone

factors to be considered 

1.Magnifying Gusters
2.Display size of fonts
3.Text contrast
4. Colour  inversion

Your app must change font size etc.. according to setting done in accessabality

Find the attached screenshot

How to install Android and IOS app on your device

Android : 

Most used techniques

1. Directly install from respective playstore
2. Copy the app in to your laptop and transfer  it to your phone 
3. Attached APK to your Cloud drive and access it through your phone
4. Install app through link or SMS

Least installing techniques

1. Send app from Bluetooth and install


1.Direct install from apple store
2.Install From I tunes
3.Install through link or SMS which redirect to app in playstore

Points to Note

What is the extension of android app?

.Apk which stands for  ANDROID DEVELOPMENT KIT

What is the extension of IOS app?

.ipa which stands for Iphone application archive

What is the extension of Windows app?

.XAP which stands for Cross-platform(X) Application package

Easy Way Remember Android versions 


I-ice cream sandwich

Continue with Mobile app performance using jmeter in my next blog..... 

Link : Good source of knowledge
